Our Art Lessons

The Method
Like everything else she does, MaryAnn keeps it old school in her classroom.
Absolutely no copying! We start our projects from ideas first and work up from the ground up. Each and every art lesson starts with an agreed upon subject, the basics and a blank canvas.
No phone! (Maybe sometimes teacher's phone for a reference or an example…) Our classroom gives your child over an hour unplugged from today's constant rush of information and forces them to slow down, think deeply and focus.

No A.I.! One of our goals is the passing down of traditional art methods used for over thousands of years in so many different cultures around the world. MaryAnn leans into her extensive knowledge of art history as she gives instruction.
We discuss the methodology behind color theory, composition, line, shape, and texture, and how artists through the ages used their work to express themselves. So more than just learning art, our students (both child and adult) will also learn more about history, and more about themselves, and we encourage self-discovery as part of the artistic process.

Formal art instruction begins for kids between the age of 4 to 5, depending on the development of hand eye coordination, and the ability to sit still. We offer an hour class for these younger students. Otherwise, classes are an hour and 15 minutes, limited to six students per class, so each child has time for individual instruction.